End-month news November 2024

Dear Friends, My colleagues, Dr. Marcus Grohmann and Frank Paul, have prepared this video about vulnerable mission. The original in German is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WZsSDCbrI0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WZsSDCbrI0 (You can set it up to show captioned translations from German to English.) The title of the video is: Über Chancen, Anforderungen und Grenzen Verletzlicher Mission: Ein Praktiker erzählt, which…

Mid-month news August 2024

                                                        jimoharries@gmail.com For archive of Jim’s news, and other information: jim-mission.org.uk (Above image, with bible students, Tanzania, June 2024.) Old Lady’s Funeral I was struck recently by the discourse at the funeral of an old lady. This old lady had a stroke months before. Now there were questions as to whether she had been…