Mid-Month news March 2025
Jimoharries@gmail.com Dear Friends, Book ReviewI am grateful for the latest reviewer of my book on antiracism, that you can find at this link: https://www.academia.edu/127884177/Comment_on_How_Western_Anti_Racism_Harms_Africa_and_How_We_Can_Do_Better_by_Jim_Harries_Chichester_Faithbuilders_2021_206_pp_12_ISBN_978_1_9131_8164_2 . The reviewer, a South African who I recently met in the Cape Town area, Peter Franks, states the following: “ Dr. Harries’ book has been so difficult to fully come…
End-month News February 2025
From Jim Harries Dear Friends, I have just come back to Kenya from Tanzania. I went on 8th Feb., and came back to Kenya on 22nd Feb. My major occupation, was two weeks of teaching at the Mennonite Theological College of East Africa, now renamed, the Mennonite College of East Africa. I taught the Pauline…
Mid-month news February 2025
Jim Harries, jimoharries@gmail.com Dear Friends, Transition Celebrations a new Director for the AVM (Alliance for Vulnerable Mission)Two celebrations, both entirely on-line, were enjoyed by a total of about 70 people, many of them mission scholars, and others very concerned for spreading of the Gospel of Jesus to Africa, Asia, and beyond! The first one was…
End-month news January 2025
jimoharries@gmail.com Wanted – Book-keeper First, many many thanks to Peter Stagg. Now retired and into his 70s, Peter has been a wonderful support for over 10 years, in keeping Jim’s finance straight and keeping Jim accountable.I am looking for someone to take over this role, as from April 2025. Conditions: Pay – out of this…
Mid-month news January 2025
Click on this image for a short video of a church I reached out to earlier this month. The event, was this particular branch coming under a different denomination. Each denomination has its own flag, with its name on it. The congregation processed up and down the road dancing and singing, to publicise the fact…
End-month news December 2024
jimoharries@gmail.com Happy Christmas to all! I invited an Egyptian who was staying here alone, to accompany me on a walk. As we set out, the sun was shining, and I assured him it couldn’t rain. He had a waterproof phone, so could take this ‘action’ picture when we were poured on … English in Church…
Mid-month News December 2024
Mid-month news December 2024 Dear Friends, email: jimoharries@gmail.com Please pray for my mother. She’s still in hospital in Basingstoke, UK, as I write … Note this event, 6th Feb. (There will be a similar event in the German language the same evening.) Details pending … watch this space. (Participation will be by invitation only, but…
End-month news November 2024
Dear Friends, My colleagues, Dr. Marcus Grohmann and Frank Paul, have prepared this video about vulnerable mission. The original in German is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WZsSDCbrI0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WZsSDCbrI0 (You can set it up to show captioned translations from German to English.) The title of the video is: Über Chancen, Anforderungen und Grenzen Verletzlicher Mission: Ein Praktiker erzählt, which…
Mid-month news November 2024
Dear Friends, We are to open our new hospital here in Maseno on Friday. Welcome, if you can make a quick trip to Kenya: Boarding SchoolOne of the children I now look after did her first year of secondary schooling in a boarding school. In a discussion last night, I asked her ‘why didn’t you…
End-month news October 2024
from Jim Harries jimoharries@gmail.com Dear Friends, I am sending this news out a little early, so as to invite you to join this webinar, to take place on 24th October! Please sign up asap and then join us. Go here AVM Webinar with Craig McCorkindale Tickets, Thu 24 Oct 2024 at 12:30 | Eventbrite…
Mid-month news October 2024
Jim Harries Glasses Found! My glasses slipped out of my pocket, months ago, as I was riding in a matatu (local minibus, means of public transport). I knew I would never see them again … Meanwhile, someone kept shouting at me to stop as I cycled through our local market centre. I ignored him….
End-month news September 2024
Jimoharries@gmail.com (My news is archived here: jim-mission.org.uk ) Christianity in Africa I confess, that I often consider myself to be a ‘trend leader’ when it comes to comprehending and communicating about Christianity in Africa. This is simply because I am not aware of many others who have made the efforts that I have to…