Mid-month news March 2024
By Jim Harries, jimoharries@gmail.com +254721804282 Fellowships in the Nairobi slums I participated in a number of fellowships in the Nairobi slums at the end of last month, while staying at the Coptic mission in the city. We would aim to leave at around five, often in practice at half past, but either way at the…
End-month news February 2024
Dear Friends, A Day in the Life of … Tuesday 20th February I set off for the Coptic mission station that is near my home at 6.30am. It’s about 50 minutes by bicycle. 8:15am the weekly fellowship of the hospital staff gathered. This typically includes between 10 and 25 people. I am their regular speaker….
Mid-month news February 2024
jimoharries@gmail.com (For archive of Jim’s news, see www.jim-mission.org.uk ) Language learning conference I am to be one of the presenters at an American-organised online conference focused on field-based language learning for missionaries. It is to look at best practices, coaching language learning, and connecting with experts in second language acquisition. It is to run…
End-month news January 2024.
From Jim Harries Nascent Christianity Working with indigenous churches in Africa is like living in 1st Century Rome, I at times think to myself … Entering this particular church building, an observant person might quickly notice a prominent photo behind the brightly-robed ‘priests’ lined up facing the congregation. The photo is of the late Ondeto.[1]…
Mid-month news 2024 January
Webinar! Welcome! Webinar, 25th January, free, Andy McCullough ‘Demons Come Back’, details: https://www.vulnerablemission.org/quarterly-webinar Christmas Day ‘So what was Christmas day like for you’, someone might ask …? One thing that characterises Christmas day around here, is there being a lot of people ‘walking around.’ Many seem to take Christmas as the day to walk all…
End-Month News December 2023
Dear Friends, Below is the reaction of an African friend to this video: https://youtu.be/fBRCFlEUNWs “Wow! I have watched and listened to the video! It’s thought provoking and humbling. I totally agree with your stance. I have shared it on my fb page to various Whatsapp groups. “Let Truth be Told; painful as it may be.”…
Mid-month news December 2023
Mid-month news December 2023 jimoharries@gmail.com +254721804282 Dear Friends, Latest Book! See here https://wipfandstock.com/9781666764277/paul-planted-apollos-watered-but-god/ for your copy of Jim’s latest (I am one of the editors) book. Title: Paul Planted, Apollos Watered, but GOD. ‘Across the Fault Lines’ One these days hears rumbles of global-wide divides, like the G7 versus BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and…
End-Month news November 2023
End-month news November 2023 jimoharries@gmail.com Dear Friends, Thanks for your prayers for safety, that I certainly constantly need. 11th November cycling home from the Coptic mission I self-caused an accident – that suddenly had me fall off my bike and lie sprawled on the ground. This was along a village path in the middle of…
Mid-month news November 2023
Myself with Dr. Yuri Stoyanov (L) and Dr. Lars Laaman (R) of SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies) University of London, after the lecture I gave on 18th October 2023. Dear Friends, I received news of a tragedy on reaching the Coptic hospital here in Western Kenya. Three members of the hospital staff were…
End-month news October 2023
End-month news October 2023 jimoharries@gmail.com (queries on finance: peterdavidstagg@yahoo.co.uk ) Dear Friends, 18th October found me at the University of London, SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies). I presented a lecture. It was a hybrid event. This is probably a typical experience these days – we met in a massive classroom, with only a…
Mid-month news October 2023
Mid-month new October 2023 jimoharries@gmail.com +254721804282 Lecture on 18th October The time of this lecture has changed. Instead of 12 noon, the planned time for this lecture, so as to allow people who are working to attend, is 17.00hrs. For details see https://www.vulnerablemission.org Title: ‘Researching Africa in Light of the ‘Religions’ of Anti-racism and Christianity’….
End-month news September 2023
End-month news September 2023 jimoharries@gmail.com Please send donations here. Dear Friends, Cycling through the country lanes around the city, I found that the Coptic Orthodox are building a large brand new church just a few miles from Norwich. Unfortunately when I was there I did not manage to meet up with the Egyptian Priest who…