Mid-month news September 2023
Mid-month news September 2023 Jim Harries, jimoharries@gmail.com Dear Friends, Jim at the recent annual camp meeting of his home church in Kenya. For German speakers, here’s a short audio introduction to the way of life of the Luo people of Western Kenya: https://share.deutschlandradio.de/dlf-audiothek-audio-teilen.3265.de.html?mdm:audio_id=dira_DLF_8f106cfb ‘Woman Repents’ The congregation of a few hundred that attended the annual…
end-month news August 2023
End-month news August 2023 Dear Friends, The new William Carey? Ironies of ironies, I seem to be the new William Carey, of the 21st Century. It is amazing to me, as I listen to discussions about contemporary mission, how often (particularly the UK?) is reluctant to send missionaries. Instead, they only want to be involved…
Mid-month news August 2023
Mid-month news August 2023 jimoharries@gmail.com News from East Africa. Dear Friends, Academics A friend recently commented that, perhaps the major contribution arising from my missionary work in Africa will be academic. When I read that, I had to concede – that he may be correct! A number of things have contributed to this. One being…
End-month News July 2023
End-month news July 2023 jimoharries@gmail.com +254721804292 Dear Friends, I am very appreciative to my mother for having made an effort to visit me here in Kenya. (My father could not come because his tinnitus makes him too sensitive to noises, and to be honest, most contexts around here are noisy!) Having mum around has made…
Mid-month news July 2023
Mid-month news July 2023 jimoharries@gmail.com www.jim-mission.org.uk Dear Friends, Since my last news, I completed my teaching in the South of Tanzania, near the Mozambique border. My 10 students did well. I was teaching them on Christian Stewardship. The highlight of the course was probably my bringing in a local church leader to…
End-month news – June 2023
End-month news June 2023 jimoharries@gmail.com Dear Friends, It’s a great honour to teach at the Bible college for CMML, Christian Mission for Many Lands, the mission of Brethren churches from Germany. Reaching here has taken an extra 20 hours on a bus each way, costing £40. There are 11 students here, whom I am teaching…