News for End of January 2006
Dear Friends,
It is ironic that while in Kenya I am primarily a teacher of Bible and Theology,
my identity in the UK seems to be more as 'Africa expert'!
The two do overlap. It is fascinating how knowledge of what goes on here in
Africa enlightens one's Bible teaching. Knowledge of African language and culture
constantly challenges Western Scriptural reading approaches:
Word meanings and uses are here subtly different here than in the UK. 'Sin'
is a good example. This can in African languages be translated as 'demon' (Is
that a demon in Genesis 4:7?) That is, sins can be chased away like demons.
(Is it wrong to chase away one's sins in the name of Jesus before entering a
church?) Sins also, are what precede suffering. If there is no resultant suffering
then in the African conception there has been no sin. (Abraham saying that his
wife was his sister was not a sin, because it did not result in his suffering.)
When talking of 'God' then, I am forced to remember that he can resemble a 'force'
that lives in mountains and rivers, as well as a majestic being sitting in the
clouds. (The Luo word for God is in some ways very similar to the one for 'magic
powers'.) The other day I was teaching on history in the Bible. I had to change
my tune, and tell students that there is no such thing as 'history' in the Bible.
Saying that books like Joshua are 'historical' only works in the West. (So the
historical books of the Old Testament are indeed books of prophecy.) 'History'
is rooted in enlightenment rational thinking that have no roots here. In the
West we talk of things being 'supernatural'. Here we don't have 'super-natural',
as we do not have 'nature'. The latter again is an invention of the West. (The
British English word 'nature' suggests a kind of clock-work world running without
God's constant intervention. Here things are full of competing spiritual forces.)
These are the fascinating contextual landscapes that I traverse over with our
students here at KIST and even more at Yala and Siaya theological centres where
we use indigenous languages. (The above does not mean that I am teaching untruth,
but that I am having to compensate for differences between African languages
and Western languages so as to be saying the same thing in a different context!)
Give thanks for encouragements this week in my teaching at Siaya, Wagai and
Best wishes,