Send me your comments on these very informative articles.
(Posted 09/26/16) 10 reasons why your good intentions to fight poverty backfire by Craig-Greenfield.
(Posted 03/27/14) Presentations at the Conference on Vulnerable Missions "Through the Eyes of Vulnerable Mission" - Nov 14-16, 2013 - Norwich, UK.
(Posted 08/16/13) Reflections by Julia Pring.
(Posted 01/07/13) Vulnerable Mission Strategies by Stan Nussbaum.
(Posted 07/25/12) Vulnerable Mission; the way forward to the majority world? by Stephen Skuce, in Church of England Newspaper, Page 14 and Page 16, January 6, 2012.
(Posted 07/25/12) Mother Tongue Theological Education in Africa: a response to Jim Harries' The Prospects for Mother Tongue Theological Education in Western Kenya. Wildsmith, Andrew, 2010. 17-26 In: African Journal of Evangelical Theology. Volume 29, 1, 2010. (5033 words).
(Posted 05/7/12) The end of the universe: After the sacred canopy Study article by Paul Clough, May 2012. (900 words).
(Posted 01/17/12) Orality and Christian Discipleship: Developing a Living Word Dissertation by Ivor Greer. MTh in Practical Theology Dissertation, Mattersey Hall in association with Bangor University, Supervisor: Paul Alexander; Word Count: 18,937; May 2011.
(Posted 11/08/10) Jim Harries and Vulnerable Mission Presentation
(Posted 08/25/10) Block Placement Report in Kenya - Yala and Siaya Theological Centres.
(Posted 04/30/10) The local language - a neglected resource for sustainable development. Excellent in its outlining the problems that arise in development (mission) when attention is not paid to local languages.
(Posted 10/22/09) Reflections on the Vagaries of Translation by Dan Peterson.
(Posted 10/14/09) Vulnerable Mission by Dr. M J Melanchthon.
(Posted 09/30/09) Africa 2009 Report Report by Jim's UK pastor and colleague following their visit to his ministry in Kenya, September 2009.
(Posted 03/18/09) A Devotion: Presented at the Indianapolis Vulnerable Mission Conference - January 2009, by Dan Peterson.
(Posted 03/17/09) Positioning the Vulnerable Mission Strategy in Mission Thinking and Practice, by Stan Nussbaum, Keynote speech for AVM Conference, Colorado Springs, January 16, 2009.
(Posted 02/09/09) The Viable Missionary: Learner, Trader, Story Teller, by Donald N. Larson.
(Posted 01/22/09) English language in the face of global multicultural emphasis and the challenges of bilingual education; With a Response by Jim Harries.
An article entitled Invulnerable Mission: a Confession by Rev. Dr. Steve Skuce.
An article entitled Deep-Diverse-Difficult: the long slow task of vulnerable mission by Rev. Dr. Richard Briggs.
Vulnerable Missionaries: Liberating Liberation Theology? By Louis Krog, see his African Theology Website
"My Experience". The author is a single Christian lady from a non-denominational Christian fellowship. It is by no means a 'success story', but an attempt to truthfully set forth the struggles, challenges and lessons learnt, all the hard way!
Vulnerability Inherent in Bible Translation by Eddie Arthur, Executive Director for Wycliffe UK
Vulnerable Mission: Radical Fringe or Common Practice? by Stan Nussbaum, Staff missiologist, GMI Research Services, Colorado Springs.
Lessons in Mission from an African Initiated Church: A Case Study of the Zimbabwean VaPostori of Johane Masowe, by Robert Reese.
Go to the SEDOS site and look for: Poverty and Mission: by Fernando Domingues.
Seen in a Different Light: A Local Perspective on Missionaries in Kyrgystan, by Gene Daniels.
Vulnerable Mission Comments: by Woodrow Walton.
'You mean what!?' A Response by Jay Gary, assistant professor at Regent University's School of Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship
Lost Placenta's: Seminars with Diahhroea and Ancient Greek
The Pearl: The Kingdom of God, The Pearl, and the Visitor Centre; The Idea of Vulnerable Mission
Atheist says Gospel more important than 'Aid' in Africa
Language Tools
(Posted 03/19/14) First Course in Luhyia Grammar
A Collection of Vulnerable Mission material in the French language.
(Posted 05/9/12) Mission vulnérables - une «normalisation» des pratiques de la mission chrétiennes
(Posted 05/9/12) De la nécessité dʼutiliser les langues et ressources locales dans la Mission en Afrique
(Posted 05/9/12) De l'efficacité de la mission à court terme en l'Afrique
A Collection of Vulnerable Mission material in the German language:
A Testimony of Vulnerable Mission from the Chaco in Argentina
Thirty-seven Additional Articles in Spanish.
Posted February 2009
Keynote Paper presented at Vulnerable Mission Conference, Stuttgart, Germany, 18th February 2009. "Das Mennonitenteam im nord-argentinischen Chaco: Geschwisterliche Mitarbeiter indianischer Kirchen und Gemeinschaften."
Dos bicicletas que dividieron una iglesia; El poderoso efecto de un acto de generosidad, por Christopher Little.
When Two Bikes Split a Church; The Powerful Effect of an Act of Generosity., by Christopher Little.
New Religious Movements and Mission Initiative; Two Case Studies, by Shenk.
The Use of the Bible in MBM Mission Strategy in the Argentine Chaco, by Willis G. Horst, Formosa, Argentina, January 1996.
Toba Spirituality: The Remarkable Faith Journey of an Indigenous People in the Argentine Chaco, by Willis G. Horst.
Posted January 2009
Chaco Study Document #1a Por que no establecimos una iglesia "Menonita" en la Argentina; A study document, in Spanish, by Albert and Lois Buckwalter, 43 year veteran Mennonite missionaries to the Chaco of Argentina.
Chaco Study Document #1b Why we did not establish a Mennonite church in Argentina by Albert and Lois Buckwalter, in English, on their reasons for not starting a Mennonite Church for the Toba people fifty-some years ago.
Chaco Study Document #2 Das Mennoniten team im nord-argentinischen Chaco; Geschwisterliche Mitarbeiter indianischer Kirchen und Gemeinschaften.
Chaco Study Document #3 Perspectives on Mission; Responding to Queries, by Keith Kingsley
Chaco Study Document #4 New Focus on Oral Scripture; God Speaks Pilaga, by Lynda Holinger-janzen.
Chaco Study Document #5 Documento de Saenz Pena; guidelines for the Mennonite Team in Argentina, 1988.
Join the on going discussion at Vulnerable Missions Discussion.
Learn about African Initiated Churches at The Southern African Missiological Society.