Dear Friends,
I give thanks for safe travel that had me arrive here in New Haven, Connecticut (near New York) yesterday midday. I have been warmly welcomed at OMSC (the Overseas Ministries Study Centre). This is a residential and research study centre drawing Christian scholars from around the globe. I look forward to more interaction here culminating in my presenting a paper on Tuesday morning just before I leave for my next stop in Pennsylvania, then Los Angeles.
The paper I am planning to present can be found at: Vulnerable Mission.
It is an attempt at making a concise summary of the content that I am hoping to communicate while here in the USA. As well as here at OMSC (also advertised at Yale University which is next door) I plan to present much the same content at Lancaster in Pennsylvania, then WCIU (William Carey International University), Fuller Theological Seminary in Los Angeles then in Colorado. I am hoping that some kind of consultation may be arranged for April on this topic (on the advisability of 'vulnerable mission'), bringing together a few key folks in the American missions scene. Time is however short, and I am very much in the hands of my hosts.
My remaining role in Kenya has been to orient and establish our temporary Yala Theological Centre teacher Noah Litu. We spent one week moving from home to home of our students, and then for another week I accompanied Noah as he opened classes. Noah tells me that he is enjoying the challenges of YTC, and I am satisfied that he will work hard in the three months that I am away. (We have two local teachers and other YTC leaders who will continue to assist and orient Noah.)
Saturday was the burial service for my friend who was killed on 6th Jan. (see previous news). His death had made the national news in Kenya.
Give thanks for safe travel, and pray for wisdom and grace as I interact with American brothers and sisters.