Dear Friends,
Thanks to Dr. Stan Nussbaum for taking time out of his recent trip to Nairobi from the USA to travel over to spend 2 days with me in Yala. It was great to be able to talk through issues concerning ministry here as well as issues pertaining to the Alliance for Vulnerable Mission. This time he was able to see a lot of things with his own eyes, instead of just have me explain things and illustrate them in picture form. (Stan is a valued friend, AVM board member, expert on indigenous churches, and advisor especially pertaining to relationships with American mission's bodies.)
We currently have a Rwandan student on his placement from a mission's training college helping us out in the work of Yala and Siaya theological centres. He is using my home as his base. So far this is going very well indeed. Our Yala and KIST classes are opening this week. KIST is already functioning.
I thought the rats who live in our toilet had gone mad yesterday. One was running around in circles, and another big rat was perched clinging to some twigs at the top of a bush in broad daylight! Can anyone guess what was happening?
See the attached for the programme of visits to theological and missionary training colleges that I propose to make near the end of this year. Your prayers are valued as I continue communicating with folk at the different colleges, and making preparations.
Pray for KIST as we continue to be in a major time of transition. Give thanks for Ron Jacks who is standing in the difficult role of Interim Principal. Our dean is due to leave shortly, after 7 years of service. A number of new couples are expected from the USA in coming months, but many are having great difficulty raising the needed funds.
Best wishes,