Dear friends,
The mission congress in Erfurt, Germany, proved to be an excellent opportunity to meet many young people to share about the advantages of vulnerable mission. 2,500 potential Christian missionaries from all over Europe gathered over 6 days in the New Year. The seminar given by my colleague Frank Paul was attended by over 140 people, with more being turned away at the door because the room was too small. My seminar was attended by less, but still a good crowd of enthusiastic young folk. Hundreds called at our stand.
I am struck by the great interest amongst believers in northern Germany in vulnerable mission. It has also been a privilege to spend time with family, on my mother’s side. From 12th January I hope to be based at Norwich Central Baptist Church, then after doing some teaching at All Nations Christian College, to spend the last week of January at Wantage Baptist Church (Oxon).
Thanks to some excellent help from Marilyn James and Lisanne (Andover Baptist Church) the publishers of my next book have waived the need for and therefore the cost of copy editing. Many thanks to both these ladies for their fantastic help. Please pray for those who have expressed interest in picking up where Fiona Adams left off in furthering the AVM administratively. We are in a process of selection and orientation.
I do not hear much from Kenya. Pray for KIST, where a new Principal should be appointed this month. Please pray for the ministries and folks that I have left in Kenya to continue to thrive.
Facebook fans – please find out more about vulnerable mission here: Vulnerable Mission.
Please see for details of the vulnerable mission conferences to be held in UK and USA during March of 2012.