Dear Friends,
It has been a sheer privilege in recent weeks to have had what seems almost endless deep engagement with missions’ leaders of all kinds from many different parts of the world. Some of these are UK people being invited to a consultation in April. Some are American lecturers at seminaries and universities. Others are people who are promoting Christian mission around the world in a whole variety of ways, including publishers of journals and researchers. Others are ‘anticipated’ participants at our forth-coming conferences. Many engagements are wonderfully encouraging, enlightening (as one always seems to learn something new) and challenging. It is something I have been praying for many years would happen, as I have ‘struggled onwards’ with the sometimes lonely and discouraging task of ‘vulnerable mission’ in Africa. I give thanks to God for the many opportunities of deep engagement! It has of course only been possible due to dedicated supporters.
It is a particularly wonderful privilege to be able to engage people like those above, when that very afternoon I come to be immersed in very dynamic forms of ‘Africanised Christianity’. Here I seem to be singularly privileged. Most of my scholarly friends work for institutions that promote missions. On my side, I am grass-roots missionary one day, and engaged in a debate with Professors in different parts of the world the next, or later that afternoon.
Give thanks that I have acquired three new orphan children in my home, taking the total population to 13 children. Give thanks that the teachers-strike ended after just 2 weeks. The weather has been very dry of late, giving us an issue of dust, but not unbearable. Pray for my various preparations for my UK furlough, due March to June 2015. Pray for my time in Egypt, visiting the Coptic Orthodox Church in a Monastery, 7th to 13th March. Also for plans I am putting together for a Congo/Zambia(?)/Tanzania visit in July/August. Give thanks for a good harvest - we are in the throes of bringing in our maize crop.
With best wishes to all, all glory to God,