Dear Friends,
Happy new year to everyone!
These fascinating videos have been posted by an Indian man, who is a friend of a friend. I recommend them.
One of the Christian universities in the USA with whom who I am working closely, is to have a special time of prayer/fasting from 9th to 18th January. I invite you to pray, and for those who would like to, also to fast. The university, William Carey International University, has a new president, who is seeking to make strategic decisions on the future. The university is known for its radical involvement in mission and development in many parts of the world, seeking to get to the heart of global issues . . .
The kindle edition of my new novel, African Heartbeat, is now available for just £4.79!! See here if you are in the UK, and here if you are in the USA.
Along with numerous other parents and guardians here in Kenya, I am currently heavily engaged in getting children back to school. Three of my children are going to new schools – one, a first for us, has chosen to go to a polytechnic instead of a secondary school.
Give thanks for a recent visit by a professor of missions in the USA. Rev. Dr. John Macdonald, from Trinity School for Ministry, and a student of his Rev. Wallace Scott. They recently spent 24 hours of their Kenya trip at my home, plus a quick visit to and guided tour of the Coptic Orthodox Mission, where I have my office. John hosted our recent USA conference, and is a member of the executive board of the Alliance for Vulnerable Mission. (Picture attached.)
Pray for my sharing God's word with the sick and also with the hospital staff here at the Coptic hospital. Also for the Swahili class I continue to give to my Egyptian colleagues.