NEWS end of February 2004
Dad's 3 week visit finished well with his departure on 23rd February. In 20 days he slept in 7 beds and enabled me to identify more African birds than in the previous 16 years! His last full day was on a game drive from 6.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. almost non-stop!
Countless people selling a few fruit on the roadside wherever we went to make a profit of perhaps 50p per day, plus being charged 80p to have 6 men work for 1/2 hour repairing a puncture and changing a wheel helped Dad to realise the difference in the economy between here and the UK.
Thanks for coming Dad!
It was a privilege to visit students from KIST scattered around Kenyaand Tanzania doing their practical placements. Pray that the economic hardships they face will not be a disincentive to their going into ministry subsequent to their finishing. Students are involved in a wide variety of ministries.
Teaching at the Coptic church came to a halt for 2 weeks, but is now due to recontinue. Our general-meeting of pastors at Yala has been postponed, but our interviews in search for a new Yala teacher are to go ahead on 13.3.04. Please pray for us to select the right person. At KIST I am again to be interim dean (vice-Principal) as from 1.4.04, and also acting Principal from 11.3.04 up to the end of April 2004.
Our neighbour Achieng for whom I recently asked for prayer, unfortunately passed away and was buried on 23rd February. Please pray for my home here in Ahono, as aspiring thieves came here on the night of 23rd February and frightened the children, but did not manage to get in anywhere. One of our pet rabbits had 6 babies on 24.3.04!