Dear Friends
I write this from a cyber cafe - as my computer died 10 days ago. I hope to have my new one arrive, carried by new missionaries, next weekend.
Pray for my class at Obambo. I have gone there about 5 times now. It is a dusty sweaty 40 minute ride from Siaya town on a Monday afternoon. I have now visited about 7 churches in the area, inviting them along to the class. The contact came through the chairman of Siaya Theological Centre. The other class in Siaya was very interesting this morning. Pray also for my Yala class (Friday's).
KIST is moving on apace, with another new couple expected from the USA in a few days. They are a couple I have known for some years following a visit some years ago. He is to teach, and she is to be the school nurse.
The coming of the above couple is opening up new horizons for me! "Frankly, we have enough teachers right now," our new Principal told me. The new couple are obviously unfamiliar with the area and people around KIST. I have been there for years and know my way around. So, because of a shortage of space, the Principal has asked me to try to vacate my office and KIST-house by April/May! I am grateful that the local Coptic Orthodox Church have agreed that they can give me a room to use as office and to sleep in when I want to.
My plan from May, is to take time in writing/research (in addition to teaching in Yala and Siaya). This is something that a number of my supporters have already been encouraging me to do. That will probably include frequent visits to KIST (about 2 miles from the Coptic Centre), possibly some libraries in Nairobi, and maybe even further afield. (The Coptic church is a little closer to my home than is KIST - about 7 miles.)
Details remain uncertain at the moment. Pray for this new opportunity, that I will be able to utilise it well, and find sufficient contacts (libraries etc.) to assist in my research. I have many ideas, but am not yet certain what to concentrate on in writing.
Please pray for my existing writing projects. I have a book being assessed by the publishers who are publishing my other book (due to be out in July), and numerous articles at different stages of publication. I am grateful for the help I am getting in all this from the Alliance for Vulnerable Mission administrative assistant Fiona Adams.
Best wishes,