Dear Friends,
"You're discussing it with a true believer" commented a participant (who seemed to be shocked at this) in a recent discussion about anthropology over the internet. The question was, whether anthropology is rooted in Christianity. The answer that came out clearly, it seemed to me, was 'yes, of course it is'. If anthropology can only emerge where there is faith in Christ, this has many implications. Then there is a case to be made for knowledge of Christ as the kick-off for a lot of what we in the West these days consider valuable. See here.
"I am walking out" said a student at a UK Bible college when I was teaching recently. The point that I mentioned that made him walkout is one that I had made to a group of students at another university some months earlier. On that earlier occasion a student had said to my host-lecturer that; "he is brilliant"! I don't claim to be brilliant. But there are some things that need to be said. There are some things regarding mission and development in Africa that some folks have been missing. Pray for me as I attempt to explain/fill the missing gap. Pray that listeners not walk out, but take note.
"First, I believe that this book is a must-read for every European Missionary who wants to serve in Africa (or elsewhere) AND for church missions committees who talk about missions in churches" a colleague wrote to me about the Vulnerable Mission book. This book and the Three Days book are proving very popular. Pray for more sales, and for insightful reading. The third book, that should really have been the first, should be out in March.
All this is really challenging mind blowing stuff. Pray for me as I continue to engage with all kinds of groups. Please pray for preparations for the conferences next month: see VULNERABLE MISSION CONFERENCE INFORMATION. Some places remain for delegates to attend the conferences. USA 7th to 10th March, UK 20th to 21st March. Pray also for the impact of the books. I had a good time with Wantage Baptist Church, and New Farm Chapel in Alresford. I am to be at Redcliffe missionary training college, Gloucester, 20th to 24th February. One of those days, 21st February, I am to present a seminar at the University of Birmingham.
Facebook fans please find out more about vulnerable mission here: Vulnerable Mission.
Please see for details of the vulnerable mission conferences to be held in UK and USA during March of 2012.