Dear Friends,
Jim’s Journal for February 2013 can be found HERE.
Early evening a few weeks ago armed robbers attacked the remaining missionary couple at KIST together with three American visitors. They beat, tied and gagged all five before looting the missionary house, and apparently walking off with much of value and a great deal of money. You will imagine that my missionary colleagues are still recovering from this trauma. Pray for them and those people who are continuing to plan the way forward for KIST. All this has happened after the Principal, who has been in the USA since October had handed in his resignation. The Dean (one of those attacked) is having to cover both Principal's and Dean's offices. Meanwhile the deputy Principal has had to have some emergency surgery and is recovering in hospital.
Do pray for Kenya as we now have less than a month to go to the national elections. Tensions are high as a result. Discussion everywhere seems to be about the prospects of the various parties, each party really being allied to a particular tribe, in the elections.
Give thanks for opportunity yesterday to encourage an ex-student of Siaya Theological Centre by visiting his church. I was also very encouraged when I heard a report that a ‘daughter’ of mine, also ex-student of Yala Theological Centre, was teaching the congregation in her church.
Although I seem to be relatively stretched, I have been able to a bit of a visiting ministry in my home area, mainly to the old and sick. There are so many life-stories that one could tell. It is always a privilege to just be a small encouragement in the life of the old or infirm. We have had some very interesting and challenging discussions during Bible Studies here in the Coptic Orthodox compound lately. Give thanks for this, and pray for more of the same!
I am looking forward to a visit by my sister and her husband for two weeks starting tomorrow. They will be spending some time here at the Coptic compound, some time at home, and hopefully seeing a few wild animals.
Please be in prayer for me as I am increasingly engaged in planning for activities connected with my various planned visits, including conferences in the USA and UK , from September to December this year.