In seven days I should be moving from my KIST house and office. Please pray for me in that. I have been used to being a part of the KIST community for over 14 years. Although I will continue to be a KIST missionary, a shortage of space here means that in order to do my writing-sabbatical I need to move to a different location. I will be taking a small house that will double as office at St. Phillips Theological Seminary near Maseno, about 4 miles from here (see The plan is for me to relocate my office to that campus at least until the end of the year. My 'main' home of course continues to be in Ahono village, Yala (about 8 miles from Maseno).
Please pray for my visitors from the UK who are due to arrive here on 9th April. Fiona Adams is the Administrative Assistant to the Alliance for Vulnerable Mission. She wants to find out more about vulnerable mission by making this visit to Kenya. She was a missionary to Nigeria for a short while a few years ago. She is to come with her three children (ages 6, 8 and 10) plus a nanny. I am planning to take them to a game-park and rainforest as well as to home and help them to explore local churches and rural African life.
I remain with just one class to teach before all the theological colleges I work in are all closed. This should give me more time for non-teaching tasks. Pray for the pastoral visiting I am doing, as well as the planning for the writing next term etc.
Please note that the url for the Vulnerable Mission website is now .org instead of .com. Please change this in your records and in future look for .
An advance notice for folks in the UK: One of the satellite conferences to the main vulnerable mission conferences to be held in Texas in 2012 will be at Cliff College in Derbyshire, UK. The date of this conference has been given as 21st March 2012.
I am in the throes of planning my visits to people and church in 2011. If I do not routinely visit you but you would like me to come to your church or home please let me know.