Dear friends,
A three-day course on curriculum and planning one's teaching in Nairobi earlier this week provided opportunity to get to know my KIST colleagues a little better. It was a long drive there and back packed into a minibus
Pray for our Siaya classes. I was not able to attend this week because of the above trip. Some of the church leaders have been talking, which I hope will result in a boost in student numbers . . . or it could mean the death of a class!
The drama of obtaining a birth certificate has occupied me somewhat over recent months, and especially again recent weeks. The government is insisting that children must have a birth certificate in order to complete key school exams. The process of getting the same is very long-winded, meaning that it is easy to hit a crisis where there is no certificate and the deadline looms.
Although details could still change, my plan at the moment is to move into a new office at our local Anglican seminary (a small seminary of 17 students 4 miles from KIST and 9 miles from home) at the start of April. I have knocked at various doors re. other alternatives for teaching and leading seminar etc. that may come to fruition in the next few months. In the meantime from May I want to be concentrating on doing some writing.
The process of getting my new computer operational is proving a bit difficult, so apologies if some of my correspondence isn't as sharp as normal!
I spent a morning with a local pastor (kind of my son-in-law) a few days ago visiting some people in his church. Give thanks for this kind of opportunity to share God's word and be an encouragement to folks facing various of life's difficulties and crises.
Best wishes,