Dear Friends,
There’s been an encouraging end to the US conference. About 80 in total attended the US Vulnerable Mission Conference (including 25 or so who watched live over the internet). The quality of the conference was excellent. We had 10 or so excellent speakers, who looked at vulnerable mission from amazingly diverse angles. The conference room was good, the atmosphere was amicable. There is a definite interest in the AVM’s arranging more activities, whether conferences or otherwise, in the future. I hope to be able soon to send out a link to enable anyone with the internet to see the various speakers in action in my next news.
One or two contacts made at the conference hold particular promise for future cooperation with the AVM. Please pray for these.
I came to the USA on 3rd March, after spending a few days with my brother near London. In addition to the conference, I have had various interesting and valuable meetings here at Abilene in Texas. From 13th March for a few days I am to be at London School of Theology, then making my way to the UK conference that runs 20th to 21st March in Derbyshire. I have various visits planned after that conference. My trip to South Wales, Scotland then York comes at the end of this month. I am to share at Andover Baptist Church on the evening of 18th March.
Best wishes,