Dear Friends,
Google-snoop, otherwise known as street-view, has come to within 2 miles of my home in Kenya! They took a picture of this junction, that I cross a few times every week. I am always puzzled just which of the four options one should take when driving on and off of this side road. Any suggestions?
Here is a review by a colleague, Jean Johnson, of my latest novel, To Africa in Love, that will be out soon: “If a man tries to carry water in his hands, he will find that his hands will be quite empty within a matter of moments. However, once he puts water into a container, he can carry it across the world. Jim Harries has written a superabundant amount of articles and books on vulnerable mission from a mostly academic sense. However in his new book To Africa in Love, he has put his message into the container of a story/novel. Go on the journey! Pick a character to associate with and learn more about vulnerable mission through a vulnerable story filled with emotion, confrontation, empathy and more.” (Many thanks to Marilyn James of Andover Baptist Church who has given me MUCH help in editing this book!)
As we gathered for discussion, one of my Egyptian colleagues asked me about my calling. Underlying his question, and the rest of the discussion that went on for 1½ hours, was the question of how the calling of a Christian can take them away from family responsibilities. “You know Jim, this thing about leaving Egypt and serving God elsewhere far from home is a new thing for us. . . . ” I suddenly felt very privileged to be a part of such a pivotal discussion with members of a missionary force from an ancient church that is seriously considering its global responsibilities.
You will be aware of the recent death of my home-church pastor here in Kenya. Pastoral care was one of his strengths, enabling him to develop close supportive relationships with many church members. I have in the last two weeks endeavoured to close some of the gap that has opened as a result of his departure, by making pastoral visits. In many of the homes I have visited, I have been told ‘I remember you coming last with Paul . . . ’ Pray for wisdom to know how much further to take this ministry, and to know how to encourage others to play a similar role in the church.
I will, God willing, be heading for Ethiopia on 16th March. I will be there for two weeks. I am to teach an intensive course to 14 degree students at the missionary training school run by the Kale Heywet church. That is to be 6 hours per day in class four days a week for 2 weeks. Your prayer valued. Here is a report by a previous professor at the school.
Vacancy: I am looking for someone who can help me in writing projects, especially with academic writing. If you are interested in doing this, please write to me at Jim Harries.
Jim Harries