News for Mid April 2005
Dear Friends,
Pray for the strength to resist the lure
Please pray for the young men who have committed themselves to teach at Yala and Siaya Theological Centres. Two of them are staying with me.
I can sense that they are going through some major spiritual battles. The temptation is great for them to follow the course of foreign theology, and get tangled up in Western issues, because this is what pays the greatest financial and prestige dividends. Pray that they will persevere in their commitment to their own people and not be enticed by the offer of advanced education from overseas that is unfortunately less relevant to local issues.
Pray also that in my own life I show that I appreciate the people for who they are. It is very easy, given my links with the UK and the West in general, for me to give the impression that what is really 'good' or of any value, is what is foreign. That does not encourage people to value themselves or to work with what they have. There is a big test for me: am I presenting the Gospel of Christ, or of the good things that arise from the West?
Thesis Hand-in
I now have official approval to hand in my thesis any time after 1.12.05. Now it should be 'all systems go', my supervisor has told me!
Vacation Programme
I have a varied programme ahead of me this vacation. I have just returned from a visit to Diguna (German mission station) where I went for a one night visit. I hope tomorrow to worship with a church for the first time, called the Roho H. church, H referring to 'Holy Spirit', and roho also referring to Holy Spirit! On Saturday I plan to have an informal meeting with the director of another Theological Education by Extension programme. All being well I hope next week to visit those concerned with Siaya Theological Centre, as well as spending time at KIST. So life goes on!
Pray for us at my home, as I am opening the door to having another child to come and stay with me starting this year. We are looking particularly for a girl, as two girls have recently left to get married. Pray that if it be God 's will, the right girl will be found.
By the way - my web site doesn't always seem to come up ( My website manager has not managed to work out why. Any web-site experts out there who can advise?
Best wishes,