Is there anyone ... ?
"Apenji. Nitie ji kamoro amora epiny ma ok thiro owetegi moloyogi e gimoro amora?" asked a student at a theological extension class. Roughly translated: "Are there any people in the world who do not seek to suppress (to put down) anyone else who does better than they do?"
This question spoke volumes. My time in Tanzania has enabled me to get a wider feedback on it in the African context. The tone of the question rings true for many of the people I spoke to in Tanzania. Many African people consider the answer to be ‘no’.
Strange as it may seem in the West - millions of African people live in dreaded fear of personal economic advance. What they fear is the jealous envy of others. What powers that 'jealous-envy' is witchcraft. Efforts are as a result constantly made to maintain poverty. Efforts from the West to encourage social and economic development are dodged and rebuffed.
"Covet not" says the 10th commandment (Deuteronomy 5:21). That message is important.
Give thanks that I have just come back safely from my time in Tanzania. I was able to share in seminars and teachings, with the youth department of the Church of God in Tanzania, over 2 weeks at three different locations. It was a privilege to share and a great learning experience.