Dear Friends,
It seems early for the mid-month news, but because I am not sure when I'll get to an internet cafe, here it is already!
As I write I am in Arusha in Tanzania. I am due to leave 7.30am tomorrow for Mbulu - south of the Serengeti gamepark. My contact is a KIST graduate who pastor's a church there. He has been to my home in Kenya many times and has helped us to visit students in Yala and Siaya Theological Centres. It felt right to offer to share in ministry with him for a few days as a way to encourage him to keep coming to visit us in Yala! He is a Godly devoted man. I look forward to sharing in a ministry of prayer and encouragement through the Scriptures in Mbulu area through next week.
After that week is over, I am to return to Arusha, and then on 17th go on to Dar es Salaam. I am to visit a missionary who is working with Scripture Union (some of you met Penny as she attended the Andover Vulnerable Missions conference last year). She is arranging visits for me to make to folks in their homes in Dar. I am also planning to follow up a contact with the Mennonite church, and to explore this famous historical Tanzanian capital city.
Please pray for hours and hours sitting in buses, and for safety. Pray for living conditions - often quite simple in rural areas like Mbulu, and hot sweaty, smelly and noisy in places like Dar. Pray that the Lord gives me the right words to share with folks wherever I go. Pray that I may listen attentively and myself be equipped and inspired for ministry.
This will be 'vulnerable style' ministry. I have no plans to give out money, and intend to function in Kiswahili. Pray that I may learn things of value that I can go on to share with folks 'in the West' during my trip later this year.
Yours in Christ's service,