Much change - as schools have all closed so children are at home, and I have no regular teaching programme. I have now moved my books and computer and all from KIST to St. Phillips Theological College in Maseno. I currently have a small apartment, but with running water and electricity, to which to come to work when opportunity arises. A house on the same compound is due to be vacated any day, then once that is cleaned and painted I may be offered that as alternative to this apartment.
Meanwhile Fiona Adams, administrative assistant to the AVM, arrived with her nanny and three children on Saturday morning. I have been with them since then in a short visit to home followed by time at a local rain forest retreat centre. They are now with other friends for 10 days before they are due to spend another week here.
Please pray for conference calls that are to be held near the end of this month for the executive and advisory boards of the Alliance for Vulnerable Mission. Pray for my preparation for my sabbatical due to begin in May. I have already had a couple of invitations to take part in Christian conferences in this area in that period. I plan to continue teaching in Yala and Siaya and to be involved in various church ministries during the sabbatical.
I have received an invitation to a consultation with the World Evangelical Alliance Missions Commission to be held in November of this year. I think it will be very helpful, and am willing to attend providing finance becomes available. This conference to be held in Germany is invitation-only. It runs every 2 to 3 years and brings together mission and ministry leaders from around the globe. Go here for details.
Best wishes,