Bulldozer at my Door!
This quiet out-of-the-way wooded rural location became my home almost seven years ago. In the heart of farmland and trees, it was quiet and obscure, until the Millennium Development Project came along! A few months ago an electricity pole appeared outside my house. Now, suddenly, we are 100 yards from a road junction and I am expecting any day for an enormous bulldozer to pass within 3 yards of my house. The bulldozer will be followed by a grader, making a wide new (mud) road outside my kitchen window! Masses of trees have already been felled. Our quiet rural spot will be a dusty highway. This should make travelling easier. What does God have in store for us?
KIST, Yala and Siaya Theological Centres have all opened. What is new - is the new teachers we now have with us. Ten teachers in all, of whom seven are teaching this term (three are away at college this term). Give thanks! We are in the process of opening new classes for the new teachers.
Please give thanks for and pray for the sometimes volumous internet-discussions I am these days engaged in. I have been privileged to be given access to a Christian anthropologist discussion group that includes a lot of key people in missions circles in Western educational institutions.