GIVE THANKS for the warm welcome that I get in so many churches that I visit around Yala. This week on Saturday I visited one church. I was invited to share with the children, and then to speak to the whole congregation. Sunday I was at another church, and I was given the opportunity to preach . I guess there are 100(s?) of such churches where I am well known and which I can (and do) visit as regularly as possible so as to share God's word and to invite folks to our Bible classes. This is a 'low key' work. There are no glamorous results . I only pray that God use my few words and example in reaching more people for him.
Pray for one of our Yala Theological Centre board members whose home has been badly damaged by lightening. KIST opened last week. Teaching in Yala and Siaya theological centres begins this week. Pray for all these opportunities to share from the Scriptures. Give thanks for a recent visit by AIM missionary Gord Sawatzky and his wife. Gord is to be an advisory board member for the AVM (Alliance for Vulnerable Mission).
For more information on the new team of Church of God missionaries arrived and due to arrive at KIST.
People who are interested in missions: please join in the Lausanne conversations! These are already very active on the web. A good place to start, is at found at the Alliance for Vulnerable Mission site.
Best wishes,
Jim Harries