Dear Friends,
I have shared in the past, that the economy of my home-township Yala recently got a major boost, when a government university was opened in the town. That produced a lot of activity, especially in building dormitories, which were soon filled with students. Earlier this year, the Kenyan government has closed scores of ‘small’ universities, the one in Yala included, taking us back to the status of sleepy rural township known for institutional failure. For more details.
It’s been some time since I have had a visit from any of my supporting churches. I very much appreciate the implicit trust that demonstrates. At the same time, it is good to have an occasional visitor (hint).
At a gathering today . . . I was struck, as I am most days, by the extra-ordinariness of what I experience! In UK / Western terms that is. Let me just say, that people think and do things here very differently to how we think they should be done in the West. The difference is VAST. Describing life here using English often seems to be . . . much of a crime . . . as it easily renders descriptions grossly inaccurate . . . but what should I do? I often sit incredulous as I hear what preachers are saying. That is – when I understand. Sometimes I understand every word, yet what is being said relating to ‘obscure’ Luo traditions that I don’t know about, means I end up not knowing what’s actually said! People get excited about things that to me aren’t worthy of ‘excitement’. I guess this paragraph is a confession !
Remember, 2nd November 2019, is to be a celebration of thanks to God for 31 years of missionary service in Africa. A similar event is to be held at Norwich Central Baptist Church on 30th November. Welcome all !
Many of you will know that one of my children recently attended Bible College for 3 months in Tanzania. Another has been a pastor for over two years. Another was the main preacher at my home church on Sunday. Another lad who used to ‘rebel’ against going to church while he was with me, recently told me when I called him that he was preparing for a prayer meeting. Another was leading counselling for a prospective married couple on Sunday. Give thanks for the way God is using our ‘family life’ to bring children closer to him.
Give thanks that plans are coming together for my intended visit to Zambia in July. The Principal of the Bible College IN intend to visit has accepted that I stay with them for 3 weeks. I will contribute what I can, although my Kaonde (Zambian language) being very rusty after 28 years of not using it, that contribution may be limited! I am to be in Zambia 1st to 27th July of this year.
Nine years ago, in May 2010, I started taking a daily doxycycline tablet to counter malaria, amoeba, and giardia. I’ve continued doing that daily every since. This month I am trying to reduce the dose . . . in the hope that I may be able to gradually discontinue. Please pray that my health holds up!
Please pray for my ongoing writing projects. Also, for books I have already written, that really need promoting.