News for End of June 2003
Dear Friends,
I am writing from the outskirts of Washington DC where I am staying for a few days with my uncle and cousins. I am due back in Kenya on 2nd July 2003.
On Sunday 15th June I was able to attend the new church of my ex-Principal in Kenya Steve Rennick, who was being installed as the Senior Pastor of the Church at the Crossing, Indiana. It was good to spend time with Steve to catch up on news, and to see him in his home environment!
I was very warmly welcomed at the camp meeting and able to discover something more about the way churches function in America. It was impressive to see thousands of people gathering in Anderson from all over the USA to celebrate their relationship with Jesus Christ. The facilities of the Anderson University (a university being run by Church of God) were used for all sorts of meetings for pastors, singles, ladies, youth etc. The main hall that sits 7000 was in use every evening, including a last-night special in which everyone got to carry a candle to show how the light of God goes out around the world!
The Church of God commissioned about 5 new missionary couples this year. One couple is due to come to KIST early in 2004. Another 2 couples are shortly heading out for Tanzania. It is a privilege to be a part of this Christian movement, and to have had opportunity also to share with some of the folks there on the work at KIST and in Yala Theological Centre.
On Sunday I was able to worship at Eyler's Valley Chapel - a small Chapel by itself half way up the hills around here near Thurmont, that has no electrical supply so is lit by candles.
It has been good to get to know some cousins who I had never yet met as they have lived in many distant parts of the world. Being here in the US has also given me opportunity to do some work on the internet related to my study!
Those people who I have been corresponding with by email please ensure that they have my address as as I will not be using my hotmail address after today.