Dear friends,
It is an amazing turn of events - to have a KIST graduate with a BA in Bible and Theology (as from July this year) volunteer to be the Director of Yala Theological Centre as from August! This is a single man, committed to chastity so as better to be able to serve the Lord, in his thirties, already experienced in pastoral and educational ministry. Please give thanks and pray for Noah as he completes his studies, and then engages in providing us with much needed local leadership!
A recent setback to Siaya theological centre has been the death of a son to our Director, burial tomorrow (10.06.08). Otherwise progress is generally slow and difficult. Teaching at KIST has been and is challenging. A recent class vote found half the students in favour of foreign donors assisting the African church, and half against. We had massive agreement recently with the notion that belief in sorcery is responsible for the poverty in Africa. We have an intense programme of visits to indigenous churches by KIST students into the Yala area. I invariably accompany the students, so that the visits are also learning experiences for me.
Saturday 14th July is the wedding day for one of my 'daughters' (Dorcas, who stayed with me for 10 years from age 7) at our local Catholic church.
Best wishes,