Dear Friends,
Travelling down long-hills to Kisumu by bus, I noticed a strange use of the engine by the driver. We were travelling incredibly slowly. I got a chance to sit nearer the front where I could see the driver - sure enough he did not use the brake pedal at all. Instead, he braked with the gears, and by tugging on the handbrake. The brakes weren’t working. All this for 15 miles, mostly down hill, on a relatively busy main road full of pedestrians, cyclists, parked vehicles . . . gulp.
Interviews were held last Friday for positions as "tutor" here at St. Phillips Theological College in Maseno. I was one of about 15 being interviewed. I guess there are about 5 places available (including p/t teachers). I was anyway only looking for a p/t position. I am hoping that I be able to continue to use this house, which I use as office, here on the Bible college compound.
A combination of a burning in my heart pushing me to do so, and other factors, means that I have begun engaging in the writing of another book. I anyway write articles in-between other activities. I am hoping that this book will be about 50,000 words. I am in touch with a publisher, who I hope I will be able to work with. The provisional title is "Secular Deception in the Light of the Intercultural-Christ; insights from Africa". I am VERY grateful to Angela Merridale for doing typing for me. The book I wrote a year ago is currently being copy-edited by Marilyn James in preparation for publishing. I am VERY grateful to her for doing that.
Give thanks - in a time of sharing with young people, children as young as eight spontaneously without prompting volunteered to read and comment on scriptures they had selected!
Please continue to pray as I am reaching decision point regarding my 2013 trip ‘to the West’. Thanks.