Dear Friends,
Please continue to pray for my proposed trip to Europe and the USA in 2013. Please pray also for me as I have begun to write another book. I want to write an exposé of the way Christian truth is being covered over by those who claim to be tolerant and secular. This is serious for us in Africa . The determination of secular players to ignore God’s role in people’s lives is misleading and confusing.
Tuesday 12th June we have an open board meeting of the Gem Bible Institute. Please pray for this to be fruitful. Pray for my plans to visit Nairobi Evangelical Graduate School of Theology for a week at the end of July.
10th June 2012. After taking a bus to Maseno, I cycled down hill to visit a recent graduate of St. Phillips Theological College. I found an Anglican church deeply influenced by the East African revival. A third of the walls of the church building had collapsed. They are building a brick church around the original mud-one. Twenty or so people gathered to follow the Anglican liturgy. I was asked to share the Word, which I did gladly. Somehow didn’t seem to come across as clearly as I had hoped. After the traditional chicken . . . it took over 2 hours to walk and cycle back to Maseno, back up the hills. Give thanks for and pray for the young man who hopes soon to be a minister in an Anglican church in the area.
Sitting here in Maseno, the rain is coming and going, as is the electricity.
Best wishes,