News for End of July 2003
Dear Friends,
The annual graduation of KIST (Kima International School of Theology) is on the 27th of July. Pray for us, as there will be a lot of visitors on the ground, many things to arrange, and a lot of work especially for the KIST administration. .
Two Tanzanians are to spend 2 weeks with us helping us in the ministry at Yala from 27th July. These are the two with whom I spent a lot of time when I was recently in Tanzania. The plan is for them to attend the KIST graduation, and then from there to come to my home and spend 2 weeks at my place assisting us in the teaching and then visiting students, and then the end of year celebration of Yala Theological Centre on 9th August.
My appointment as acting KIST Dean (Vice-Principal in British terms) from August 2003 up to the end of December 2003 has now been announced. This will be the third time that I have filled this office. I will be filling in for Rev. Tammie Tregellas as she spends time in the USA. Please pray for the skills and aptitude for the required tasks and responsiblities. This unfortunately cuts my time staying in the Yala area from 5 to 4 days weekly!
A funeral that I attended on Sunday was of a well known local witchdoctor. He was reported as having 52 children, from a total of 12 wives. He was given what was in many ways a Christian burial, with a clear reminder to those gathered that they must later slaughter a sheep in order to resurrect his spirit after so many days. There was a large crowd at the funeral. (Note that children that a woman gives birth to even after leaving her husband are still counted as his if it was he who paid the original dowry for the woman.)
It looks as if I will have a lot of 'desk' work to do in August - from preparing for KIST classes, to KIST administration, not to forget also my studies with Birmingam university that I am quietly plugging away with. Prayer valued for desk-patience!