News for End of July 2006
Dear Friends,
Graduation ceremonies have gone well. That is, both in Siaya and at Kima.
Thanks for your prayers! As I write students from Kima have already gone, and
we are in the process of closing Yala and Siaya classes.
Pray for one of the churches with whom we relate closely, who are to have a
big meeting of all their leaders next week. I believe 'theological education'
is on their agenda, so pray that if it be God's will that YTC be able to play
a part in helping them to advance their people's understanding of God and the
Give thanks that I have just heard that one of our ex-YTC teachers has now been
appointed to a full time teaching position at the Mennonite Theological College
at Musoma in Tanzania. (Not far from the Kenyan border.) It is a privilege for
us to know that our ex-teachers are filling such key positions. Pray for him
and his wife, both of whom should be teaching there.
The two courses that I have been asked to teach next term are science and world
religions. This will be the first time in over 15 years that I am to teach science.
(American accreditation rules require this to be on our curriculum because our
degree is accredited in the USA.). Pray for my preparation especially for teaching
on Islam. I have not taught this for some years, and frankly hoped that I wouldn't
have to teach it again! I may make a trip to Eastern Kenya / Tanzania to improve
my personal understanding of Islam in preparation.
Pray for our new prospective teacher for Siaya Theological Centre, who is currently
staying with me at my home. He was a practicing witchdoctor until November last
year. Pray that he will have much wisdom to be able to discern true Christian
practices from the kinds of solutions to problems that he was previously offering
Best wishes,