Spiegel Against Aid
Read this piece in Spiegel for an African perspective on the aid situation on this continent. I go a long way in agreeing with the author Shikwati. Hence I advocate that Westerners who are in Africa should not invest financially in their ministries. Shikwati also points to some of the problems with the widespread use of English in Kenya: ARTICLE.
Good reading for the Summer Break
Redcliffe College (UK) has published one of my articles. There is a lot of additional fascinating information in this regular internet shot. Redcliffe is one of Britain's premier missionary training colleges: ARTICLE.
Local News
As I write we are lining up for the annual graduation ceremony here at Kima International School of Theology. The big event is tomorrow, Sunday 29th July 2007. For the next two weeks we have three visitors (two from Tanzania) to help us in closing classes and then visiting students of Yala and Siaya Theological Centres.
Reflections - 'It is Hard to Die'
A missionary must be dead. (To this world that is.) That is not easy! My own mind quickly and easily wanders into selfish tracks. "I need a wife" or "I should be more successful" or "I want." etc.
A recent visiting speaker here at KIST explained that to be a monk in the Coptic Orthodox church a novitiate first has to go through 'tests'. The church authorities send someone (unbeknown to the novitiate) to entice him to take some money, and a girl to try to seduce him. The outcome of these tests has to be good for the novitiate to be accepted into a monastery. How many of us would pass such tests today?
Vulnerable Mission
Kima International School of Theology
PO Box 75