Dear Friends,
I remain with just a few days before starting my round trip through Congo, Zambia and Tanzania. Would value your prayers for my anticipated travel to Congo on Wednesday. I am getting lots of contradictory messages on my visa; some telling me it’s impossible as I just haven’t allowed enough time, others telling me that it is straightforward and will simply soon be available.
God willing, I will be in Congo from 15th to 23rd July. Then I cross over to Zambia for a few days, before heading for Tanzania on 28th July.
I have had some encouraging times here in Kenya of late. Give thanks that the church that I visited yesterday has growing numbers. A young man who is evidently closely involved in leadership of that church was rejoicing at the positive feel in the church and the interest that they were getting at the various locations where they were gathering for fellowships. The same young man was a student of mine in the Yala Theological Centre for a few years.
Best wishes,
For information on my latest book see: here.