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News for end of August 2002

We have now moved house! On 13th of August myself and a band of children moved about 3/4 mile away to new accommodation, which is now being enjoyed. We now have two houses, one of which is large and one small. The location is good in that it is peaceful, but near to a major footpath. The major problem with the location being the amount of mud to get through to get to either the Yala or Siaya main-roads.

Give thanks - that the daughter one of our KIST lecturers Mr. Ondere has been found. She disappeared on route to (secondary boarding) school. She has now been found some weeks later walking along the street in far away Mombassa. The latest report is that she is not yet talking, so it is not yet known what happened.

Esther has been staying with me in Ahono, but got pregnant in October last year. She has now come back home from her aunt's place with a boy child called Francis who is already over a month old. Give thanks that mother and child are both well, and pray for their adjustment back into life with us at my home.

Please pray for us as we consider adding two more children to the household. I have asked a local pastor to prayerfully search amongst his members for those children in great need with a view to our taking them in.

Please pray for my own recovery to full strength. I was prescribed with a systemic medical treatment for athletes foot while in the UK. Taking this for three months has knocked my general health somewhat. I am gradually picking up again. Pray especially for the time when I need to go to Tanzania, that I will be up to strength! Pray also for my preparation for that time. I am looking forward to sharing with believers in Tanzania, and am meanwhile working hard on preparation of teaching materials.

From 10.09.02 up to 9.12.02 I hope to be in Tanzania. I intend to continue using the same email address. My postal address will be:

c/o Kanisa la Mungu Tanzania
S.L.P. 146

I have just attended a few days of the annual conference of Zion Harvest church in Kisumu, which has been good.
