"He may be a fool, but he's got money" is the thought that seems to come into people's minds here when they see a white man. It is almost as if, wherever I go and engage in ministry, I can end up surrounded by conmen wanting to put their hands into my pockets. After some years, that gets wearisome.
This makes it difficult to engage in ministry. People come flocking to 'help me out', then they engage in every trick in the book to try and get to a place where they can benefit from the anticipated 'pie'. In many ways I cannot blame them. Their friends and family evaluate their friendship with me by how much they make out of it financially. Someone who puts him / herself out to work with me, and gets nothing but the privilege to serve God in return, is considered a failure!
On the contrary, my aim has been to demonstrate a model of ministry that does not create dependency on the West, by the use of local languages and resources. That does not go down very well. But now things seem to be moving ahead:
* I was heavily involved in starting the first school in Yala from 1993, often almost 'alone'. Now we have nine teachers.
* It has taken a lot of effort from me since 2004 to launch the school in Siaya. The school has been knocked back to zero twice by hopeful beneficiaries who 'dropped us' when they didn't see money coming. Now we already have a few people interested in learning and not in money.
* A colleague in Yala has started another school in Ugunja, working on Vulnerable Mission principles.
* I have heard that plans are afoot for beginning a theological school in Bondo.
The work seems to be multiplying. Give thanks .
Once having completed visiting of YTC students at the end of last week, I have been busy doing 'office work'. Pray for plans for the vulnerable mission conferences to come together before the end of this month. I am due shortly to visit Nairobi, and meet up with a few key fellow missionaries. Pray that this be a productive time.