Dear Friends,
A 14 year old girl recently appeared at my home, having been kicked out of her home. She was trying to find an aunt but got lost. Thankfully after she had stayed with us for 5 days, we managed to locate the 'lost aunt' and so re-unite her with her family!
Since returning from the UK, I have spent a lot of time with my nose in books and on the computer. Seeing gross misunderstandings happening between the West and Africa, inside and outside of mission, increasingly motivates me to study and write in an attempt to provide 'light' to well meaning people who are keen to 'get involved', but not clear on how to do so.
I am expecting visitors from the UK for a week from 1st September, then schools open and we are to begin another term of Bible teaching.
This is a time of year when there are many church conventions and crusades. Pray that more people can acquire a true knowledge of Christ.
Best wishes,