Dear Friends,
The end of August formally marks the end of my writing sabbatical. I am pleased to be able to say that, amongst the many other activities I have engaged, I have drafted a book of 55,000 words that is currently being looked at by a number of publishers.
Not yet being needed back at KIST, my planned schedule from September is as follows:
- Sunday - church.
- Monday - Office day.
- Tuesday - office day / pastoral visiting.
- Wednesday - teach class at Ukaya (morning), teaching at fellowship (afternoon).
- Thursday - Office day / home church midweek fellowship.
- Friday - pastoral visiting / church meeting for prayer / teach class in Yala.
- Saturday - office / funeral / other.
Except 18th October to 12th November I have the following trip planned:
- 18th to 24th October - visiting Africa International University.
- 26th to 30th October - family time in UK.
- 30th October to 6th November - home church, family, and research in London.
- 6th to 11th November - Missions consultation in Germany with WEA (World Evangelical Alliance).
Not mentioned overtly in the above is dolo. I am frequently called upon to do this. It could be translated as priestcraft or priestling, although those wouldn't be helpful translations in some respects! Many of the rituals that used to be carried out by 'traditional practitioners' are nowadays in the hands of the church in Africa, and I am frequently called up on to help in such. For example, recently I led a service at a home attended by over 100 as a substitute funeral for a son who disappeared. It is assumed he committed suicide, but his body was never found.
Please do see: Brochure for AVM Conferences