Wonderful opportunity, or . . .
Because I plan to be away for three weeks in October/November, I have been told by the Principal of the college where I now have my office (Maseno) that they will not be using me in teaching here next term.
This means that once this vacation (and sabbatical and all) is over, i.e. come September, I have a lot of free space to do ministry. At the same time, I am meeting major challenges, in a sense, rejection, because I do not do the usual and hand out really anything that local people can easily turn into financial advantage. It is EXTREMELY RARE (I think) for White people in Africa not to do their ministry on the back of their own funds sent from the West.
I have pretty much decided not to go to Siaya every week as I have been doing, as travel has been getting difficult (buses unreliable). So I want to keep within a radius of about 1 hour's cycling from home, an area that includes a vast number of indigenous and other churches. Please pray for me as I consider how to best be used in ministry in this community. I started today (9th August) visiting folks to find out what is going on in the churches so as to plan how I can encourage the believers and where I can be involved.
See attached brochure with details about the vulnerable mission conference to be held in USA and UK March next year. Please post it somewhere/send it around.
PS Please do see: Brochure for AVM Conferences