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Hi All,

Two of my articles have just been published in this journal.

Resistance of the malaria parasite to the latest drugs is quickly becoming a serious problem for us in my home area, as apparently in much of the tropics around the world. Recently more and more of my friends have found themselves so seriously and suddenly overcome by malaria as to be rushed to hospital, sometimes almost unconscious. See for details on malarial drug resistance from the medical media.

I want to give thanks to God as a preacher for the times when I can stand up and share a word, and can be used by God so that the word really goes home. On these occasions, no one in the congregation gets the chance to doze; they are all too busy paying attention. People laugh at the right times. Their eyes are alert and attentive. At the end you as preacher feel that you are leaving them with the stuff of changing lives! It isn’t always like this, but was for me on Sunday 5th August. Let the Lord be glorified!

Sometimes after giving such a message at one place, I try to repeat it elsewhere, and it doesn’t work at all. Not only does such a message need preparation. It also needs ‘heart-eration’; God working in our hearts to change us.

The last two weeks I have spent a lot of time with Munde, a visiting pastor from Tanzania who is staying at my home. We have visited and encouraged folks, especially the old, sick, troubled etc. in numerous homes. Munde has shared at many meetings that I have taken him to. He is still around for up to 2 more weeks.

Tomorrow, 11th August, I have invited people to my house in at St. Phillips to join me in a cup of tea. This is a way of saying thanks for the 16 months I have had my office here enjoying good fellowship. I hope next week to move to a new office, most likely in the compound of our local Coptic Orthodox church. This is also in Maseno, almost a couple of miles closer to home than I am now.

Best wishes,
