Dear Friends,
Seeing mountains looming up into the clouds from a distance, gradually our landcruiser (working as a bus) with 14 passengers drew nearer until we, by meandering up steep slopes, eventually reached the clouds.
The high altitudes of Mbulu are to be my home for the next 5 days.
After 3 days travelling from Kenya, I met my one time student, now bishop, in Dodoma,Tanzania. There followed 4 days of engagement, sharing, teaching, prayer, preaching and more. Monday 3rd I moved onto Babati, HQ of Church of God country wide. Many of my graduates there. Ministered, much door to door, at the small town of Magugu, encouraging believers.
Woman who has married muslim wants to bring up her children as Christians but there's no-way unless her husband becomes Christian, we tell her. She's in a very hard jam, although of her own making. A man's being given too much responsibility can result in his being sacked as family pressure to be corrupt can be just too much to bear. It's encouraging to find enthusiastic young men, in their 20s, being very involved in the church. I am well fed and housed and can help in shelling peanuts. A video of the 'real thing', a pentecost celebration, shows me how some young tanzanians love to combine preaching and other ministry with demon exorcism. A member of the congregation remembers a message I preached there 17 years ago. I find a truly devoted Christian community working together for the glory of God which is wonderful! I am privileged to meet many of my ex-students. It is encouraging to find some indigenous leaders in the church of God making many efforts to avoid unhealthy dependency on western charity.
Before the end of the month I should be in Singida, them Mwanza, then Musoma them Migori for ministry. This is written on my phone as almost all of Tanzania seems to be having severe power cuts.
For information on my latest book see: here.