News for middle of September 2002
Dear Friends,
It has been good to be in Tanzania. I have been here for 5 days now. We have already held one short seminar at a church in Dakaumo. It has gone well.
This seminar was with only one church. It was amongst the Iraq people (no connection with S. H. although apparently these people migrated from Iraq many years ago!) just 12 miles from the centre here at Babati town. It was a fascinating beginning to my time in Tanzania. The Iraq people share their small three roomed houses with their animals in a very basic way of life. The people love to just talk, meet together and sing. The small crowd that gathered daily at the church was receptive to the teaching that I and others from Tanzania were able to give. A missionary here at Babati (Don Armstrong) who encouraged me to come here and hold these seminars is helping by providing transport to the sites of the seminars. It is always fascinating for me to discover more on the ways of life of different African people. It was a privilege to be able to share God's word and enjoy fellowship with them.
Please pray that I will be able to make satisfactory arrangements for accommodation for the time that I am in Babati town. Give thanks for the receptive audience I have had, and pray for more of the same. Also pray for the folks and plans that I have left behind both at Yala Theological Centre and at home during my three month absence in Tanzania.
My latest Journal has just gone out, giving more updates on news. We have been looking to see which additional children we can take in at my Ahono home. I have now left the search to the ladies who are remaining here. Otherwise all are well, even the new baby Francis seeming to be doing well and being very little noise or trouble. I sometimes say complementary things about him to encourage his mother, only to realise too late that this is not the done thing here as it is likely to make him vulnerable to witchcraft attack!
KIST has now opened, and I was privileged to give an orientation session to the new students. Please continue to pray for our new Principal Don Smith as he finds his feet in the weeks and months ahead.