News for Beginning of September 2003
I mentioned recently that three of the girls who I have been keeping at my home left, following the re-marriage of their widowed mother. More recent developments have resulted in the return of all three girls. Pray for us in our keeping them for however long that will be, especially as we now are not together with their mother.
KIST has now opened. Pray for me in having again picked up responsibility for the Dean's office. Over 20 new students had arrived at the last count. We are now busy orienting them. Pray for us on the staff that we be able to give a genuine Christian example in our lifestyles.
Doing some research for my Birmingham university course has helped me realise again the vital role that YTC has to play amongst churches in this area. The church scene is very dynamic and sometimes very volatile! The demand for healing and nurturing in the Christian walk on the part of very many people here is great. Churches spring up on the back of the enthusiasm of gifted young men, but then are at risk of falling into all kinds of dubious practices if not given careful guidance. Give thanks for just one such church that I visited yesterday and pray that this one (where we are due to open a class on 9.09.03) and many others will be able to benefit from our teachings.
Pray for a lady who is a student in YTC who has recently been very distressed as one of her sons has seemed to run riot and been attacking people in his village, such that the police are now trying to catch him.