Dear Friends,
Your prayers are valued as I have malaria. So far am still running though . A few people sick at home, including one child last week diagnosed as having malaria, typhoid and whipworm.
Two of our anticipated teachers for YTC (Yala Theological Centre) have not turned up. One is an 'internal refugee' from recent troubles, and went to Nakuru to collect his things only to find he had no money with which to come back again. Our anticipated new director for the programme resigned a week before we were to begin teaching. Another teacher has not yet begun teaching. Two other teachers are very disheartened through having zero attendance in many of their classes, even though I have been moving around trying to mobilise people.
At Kima, student numbers are still down. We have taken on only 9 new students, when a few years ago we were getting well over 20. (Additionally we have a few who have completed their diploma coming back to take a BA.) We continue to face a financial crunch.
Inflation is biting us hard in Kenya, partly arising from the recent troubles. Bread that was KSh23 is now KSh35. Fertiliser that sold at KSh40 a year ago is now KSh100. Fuel was KSh79 or so, but is now over KSh100. Charcoal used to be about KSh400, but I am now buying at KSh700. The cost of electricity, they tell me, has doubled.
An independent official report recently revealed that there were so many discrepancies in the Kenya elections at the end of last year that there is no way of knowing who the legitimate winner of the elections should have been. Western-style democracy in Kenya (and in Africa as a whole) is seriously challenged. Already there has to be great concern as to what will happen in 2012. Pray for wisdom for those looking at these issues.
One reason we are lurching from crisis to crisis, is that despite all the evidence to the contrary, official policy is to treat Kenya as if it is a European nation. Pray that people will 'see sense' on this one - perhaps helped by the orientation to vulnerable mission that we are trying to foster in the 'Alliance for Vulnerable Mission'. Pray for ongoing discussions on this.
PS See the Vulnerable Mission for more on the vulnerable mission conferences to be held in USA, UK ad Germany early next year.