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25th September I plan to travel to Tanzania. I hope to visit some American Church of Christ missionaries who are based in Mwanza. On route I hope to spend time at a number of places, including a theological college managed by Mennonites near Musoma in Tanzania. Many of the teachers at this theological college are my ex-students at KIST. I plan to return to Kenya about 4th October, and to get home sometime before the 6th October. Please pray for safe travelling on African buses, and good times of meeting, encouragement, and fellowship.

The above travel may be interrupted by the announcement today (24th September) that the 3 week teachers’ strike is now over. Kenyan buses may be rather over-full of students returning to school. Give thanks that the strike has ended, and pray that I find a seat on a bus so that I can keep to my original travel plans!

Some Egyptians recently joined me on visiting some of the sick and elderly in my home area. Others visited me at home on Saturday. I guess that people are struck to find Arab people who are Christians. It is very encouraging. They tell me that should they attempt to witness to non-Christian fellows in Egypt they could be killed or given a 4 year prison sentence without trial.

Give thanks for many encouraging responses to visits to churches that I have made in the last few weeks. Pray for ongoing discussions about vulnerable mission on the pearl discussion network and elsewhere. Pray for good contacts and conversations on my imminent trip to Tanzania. Pray for healing amongst the children in my home, especially malaria.

