A monk’s being given a room in a monastery is, in the Coptic Orthodox church (as far as I can gather) considered to be an advance over being a hermit living in a cave in the desert. The room is his cell. It is a place he retreats to, necessarily alone, in search of communion with God. This is something of the implicit understanding of folks here of the small house they have given me within the Coptic Orthodox church compound, that I consider to be my ‘office’. It is a privilege to be a small part of this ancient church’s mission community in East Africa . I am reading up on the history of the Coptic Orthodox church.
See here for a pioneering ‘Development Studies and Transformation’ programme based in Germany that we are developing.
Kenya is preparing for national elections. It looks as if they will be early next year. The new constitution will take full effect following the elections. This includes a lot of decentralisation of power and administration. Such makes for exciting times. Pray for us in Siaya County as we prepare for regional government. Please pray that elections be peaceful.
You will know that instead of setting up Bible classes and inviting people to them, I have of late concentrated more on visiting meetings already set up by local churches. This gives me opportunity to share from the Scriptures directly into people’s own contexts. I continue to rejoice over this new way of working. Please give thanks to God for this, and pray that doors to minister in this way continue to open.
I am looking towards setting up a ‘council of reference’ to help provide a more secure accountability for my ministry. Please pray for the setting up of this council.
Jim Harries