Dear Friends,
I hope that my supporters are aware that the ever-growing spread of the internet restricts the kinds of news it is possible to give from Africa to supporters in the UK. Years ago, one could tell this and that encouraging story about so-and-so with little concern. These days so-and-so could easily find out that you are telling a story about THEM. They will assume you are telling it to make yourself and your work look good so as to raise funds. Then they will want money from you! Or, the slant you put onto an event could upset someone somewhere. Hence, either true stories have to be wrapped in ever thicker wrappings of untruth, or they cannot be told at all. This is a dilemma I constantly face as I want to keep supporters informed on things that are happening, but sometimes am reluctant to do so!
There are now just about 6 weeks to go before my planned trip to the UK. I look forward to spending 3 weeks at Andover Baptist Church (26th October till 16th November 2019). After that, to spend three weeks at Norwich Central Baptist Church (16th November to 7th December 2019). 2nd November (Andover), and 30th November (Norwich) are to be the dates for celebrating to give thanks for 31 years of fruitful missionary service in Africa. Our conference is to start on Sunday 8th December and to go till 11th December. It is to be held at All Nations Missionary Training College in Hertfordshire. Details here.
A pastor with the Coptic Church came to visit me earlier in the week. We actually ‘joined forces’ at Yala Township, then went to a midweek fellowship of my home church. Give thanks for the helpful message he gave us, and that we were able to get home despite heavy rain, where he shared again with my children in the evening.
Last night, while praying for the sick, a lady here in the hospital told me that since being involved in a road accident (that killed 2 people, and injured 10 in all, some badly), she has had no contact with her family. I am trying to help her, for her family to find out what has happened.
Give thanks that we have recently had lively and interesting bible studies in the evenings at the Coptic mission compound (I am usually here two evenings per week). Pray that by God’s grace this continue! Pray for one of my Egyptian colleagues who is about to go on leave. Sometimes when they go on leave, they end up not coming back. I guess family put pressure on people to ‘stay home’. Pray that he comes back!
Give thanks that a colleague from Yala is intending to enroll as a student at the bible college I taught at earlier on this year, in Tanzania. Pray that his plans work out, and that it prove a valuable time for him.
Give thanks that the bookshop at the London School of Theology has requested copies of my new books to sell. Pray for this and other outlets, for books to get off the shelves and their content into people’s hearts.
Missionaries: aliens, providers, or fellow travellers