News for Middle of October 2003
His crooked body walking slowly
across the compound with the three year old leading him by the hand or
by a rope tied to his wrist, Otusi (aged 18 or so) laughs and is happy.
Otusi is almost totally blind and severely mentally and also physically
retarded. He speaks Dholuo, that often does not make much sense, and Kiswahili
that he has apparently learned almost entirely through listening to the
radio. He loves playing with 3 year old Alan, who leads him hither and
thither. His whole body is bent and crooked through
some serious congenital mishap, giving him a height of about 5 feet.
His father lives off their small piece of ground and whatever other local
income he can make. His mother is also blind in one eye, and of late suffering
chronic weakness in her body. A colleague recently recommended a man of
prayer to pray for the family with its various ills. The same took two
goats in payment when it had only been agreed for him to take one, thus
forcing Otusi's father to take the case to the local police, to eventually
be given £20.00 in compensation.
These are our hosts at every Monday's YTC class. They have built a small
mud walled church on their compound, of about 10' by 18' with a rather
rusty leaky roof (which we frequently discover whenever we are rained
on in class) called St. Luka's church. The church that worships here is
a Roho church, that places great weight on praying noisily with the use
of candles and crosses. We meet here and discuss God's word every Monday
from 2.00pm to 4.00pm. It is about 12 miles from my home.
We have been looking at widows in our latest course with the folks at
this centre. This week we began also to look at widowers. A widower here
has a problem, in that he is barred from marrying or from sleeping in
his bed in his house until he has 'dreamt his wife'. That is, his late
wife must come to him in a dream, prepare his bed and invite him to sleep
with her, before he is permitted to remarry. Should this not happen to
him and he go on to marry, then he and / or his new wife will die, so
it is said. We heard of a man whose junior wife died and who lived alongside
his senior wife's house for over 10 years without ever joining with her
or eating her food, because in all that time his junior wife had not yet
come to him in a dream.
The Kenyan media has recently been giving major coverage to corruption
in the judiciary. Many judges have been asked to resign as the judiciary
has been found to be corrupt through and through. Pray for this country
in the midst of such turbulence.