For a report on my home-church pastor's recent visit to me here in Kenya, go to: September Report
A time to cry!
Sometimes I feel like Jeremiah (I think must have felt at times). Is it wrong to cry? Sickness, suffering, despair, poverty, desperation, and death seem to be everywhere. "There is a time to cry" said the writer of Ecclesiastes. Maybe the time is expanding? The time is now. Sadness is everywhere.
Blessed are those who mourn. Maranatha (Come, O Lord).
Monkeys keeping chickens?
Do Velvet monkeys raise chickens? If not, then why did one come and steal one of our chicks? I guess - to eat it, although I didn't know that Velvet monkeys eat chickens, especially not raw! Not sure if it realised how famous that chicken was - it was one that heard my pastor from UK preach a month ago!
It would be fun to go into the forest near my home and find monkeys tending a small flock of hens in a few months time!?
Bible Speaks; people too busy!
The Scriptures speak powerfully. It brings resources and help. But too many people are too busy to hear. If only they'd take the time to listen, to hear, to understand, to change, to begin a new life, to know the Lord.
Whereas - so many people here it seems, are busy morning to night 'dwero' (searching - i.e. for money/food). Yet what makes them so busy so long is that working together isn't possible, as here we fear witchcraft and jealousy!
Pray with me that more people take time to hear God's word.