Dear friends,
400 people gathered for the Bible Translation conference; perhaps the biggest in the world, in Dallas. This biannual event seems to attract more people every time it is held, I was told. So then it seems that the Bible translation business is booming! Around 80 people presented papers on diverse issues concerning the objective of getting God’s word into more and more languages of the world. I was able to attend many of the sessions. I had very much been looking forward to hearing from people who were experts on linguistics and translation. I was not disappointed. One of my objectives, to be able to ‘test-out’ the theories I have been working with on such a wider body of experts was achieved. My theoretical position stood the test! Many of the Bible translation people were having much the same thoughts as was I.
My table displaying books about vulnerable mission gave me a niche in the general conference events. Vulnerable mission attracted a lot of attention amongst conference goers, resulting in sale of books and many interesting conversations. Now after the conference, I continue to receive information from translators as they go about their Bible translation art. If anyone thought that Bible translation is simply a matter of . . . well, translating the Bible, come along to the next conference and hear more about what’s actually involved!
From this conference, I travelled to Indiana . The headquarters of the Church of God is in Anderson , 40 miles from Indianapolis . This is the American denomination that runs KIST. It was good at this stop to meet many people who I already knew, some for many years (up to 17 years), and who I had worked with in Africa. I was able to teach a number of classes at the university. I met up and shared time with a KIST graduate now studying there at Anderson. I shared with old friends and new. On my last day I was able to preach at the seminary chapel before rushing to the airport!
From Indianapolis , I flew to Washington DC to meet with family. Many of my uncle’s family, on my father’s side, are living around there. It was good to be home from home and spend a couple of nights with them.
As I write, I am now in New Haven, Connecticut. I am due to present an 8 hour seminar here to a group of missions’ scholars who are interested in knowing more about vulnerable mission. This will be the longest concentrated articulation of vulnerable mission that I have engaged in. (Usually I have only a 2 or 3 hours or less to share with a group.) The Overseas Ministries Study Center is very widely known and respected in mission circles. From there, I am to go to Philadelphia to work with Eastern University for one week. Then, God willing, 3rd of November I will fly to the UK , so as to be in the UK until 19th November. I hope to meet many of you then!
For more details on my programme see here.
UK conference on vulnerable mission in Norwich will be 14th to 16th November.
Best wishes,